SHINE #motivationmonday


Be very talented or perform very well.
"She shines at comedy."
synonyms:    excel, be outstanding, be brilliant, be successful, stand out
"they shone at gymnastics"


Why wouldn't you want to do anything but shine?

My motivation for you as we wrap up this Monday is to move through this week, the month, the year, heck your whole life shining as bright as you can. Which translates into being be the best you can be. Waking up each morning, walking out your door ready to give the world YOU!

Shining from within will radiate out in so many more ways than you could imagine. It's contagious, creating a trail of positive energy behind you and and all around you.

In my opinion, if you shine from within, people around you will start to shine, life will start to seem more beautiful and bright. Staying with that positivity, confidence, and even focus will continue to make life more fulfilling.


You are enough. You are phenomenal. You are stunning, breath-taking, jaw-dropping. You are smart. You are strong. You are caring and compassionate. You are funny. You are enough.
Shine bright my friends and remarkable things will start to happen.
