
Motivational Monday 6.22.15 is brought to you by Albert Einstein.

"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." –Albert Einstein

Amen Al, amen! This quote resonates so deeply for me. The word value has never come up so much in my life than it has this past year. Kind of silly now that I think about it, as it truly is such an important thing to implement in daily practices.

What is value?


1. The regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.
"Your support is of great value"
2. A person's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life.
"They internalize their parents' rules and values"

-Write down a few things that value means to you. It can mean different things for all of us.

Why is value so important?

Here's why it is important to me. When creating goals for myself, making plans with others, and making decisions about work/life/relationships I have made it a habit to ask myself these questions?

1- Does this serve me?
2- Does it add value to what I'm doing and want to do?
3- I am delivering value to this person or situation?

If the answer is no, than it's time to let it go, or figure out how to change.

How do I create value?

- For relationships: whether it's at work, friends, or a romantic relationship I try to make sure I am giving value to everyone. By communicating well, listening, giving useful information, following up and delivering on what I said I was going to do, etc. By taking time to connect with each meaningful person in my life so that I can nurture those connections.

-For my goals. Adding value is just another way to keep me accountable. A way to make sure I am making the right decisions to help me achieve my goals and stay on track. It holds me to a higher standard knowing that I need to deliver value to my clients and other business relationships. It holds my to a higher standard so that I am an exceptional friend.

-It challenges me to be a better person and the best person I can be.


In conclusion. How are you adding value to your life, to those around you, and the world? How can you be better at creating value?


Have a beautiful Monday everyone!
