I am Here


“You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world.”    - Woodrow Wilson

"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why."   -Mark Twain

I often ask myself these two questions.

1- "How are you going to help change the world today?”

2- “What do you want to be known for when you leave this world? What will be your impact?”


I have this feeling that I am here to make a big difference in this world. To leave my mark and help as many people as I can.

Do you ever feel this way? Have you ever thought about it? What things are you passionate about? What strengths and abilities do you have that can help benefit those around you?

We all have so much to offer this world. So many talents, and abilities to make a difference. To create change for the better. Use your strengths to make this world a better place because you can make a difference for those people who are close to you, to your community, city, state, nation, and across the globe.

Even this simplest act of smiling at someone can start a ripple effect of love and happiness that can change the whole course of someone’s day. And maybe in return they will do the same, and so on and so on. Creating this chain reaction of kindness which will have a huge over effect in this world. Happy people = happy planet right?

I challenge you to make a difference and to give a damn about it. (Intense I know, but you’re worth it and we can all benefit from each other).

I tuned into Beyonce’s song “I was Here.” for inspiration to start my Monday. And today I proclaim I AM HERE! I am ready to change the world.

Are you?


Here are some ideas to spark your interest.

-Small acts of kindness. (pay it forward)
Opening a door for someone
Buying their coffee
Saying hello to a random person and wishing them a fabulous day.
Picking up trash from your local beach, trail, sidewalks, streets.
Planting flowers/plants that attract bees.
Building a bat house. (weird I know, but it’s about the little things that create change and better the environment)

Boys and Girls club
Your local nature center
Your local Humane Society
Women’s shelter
Open arms

Joining an organization

Here is Beyonce's song I was here.

