Miami 2016


Another season has officially kicked off and another race is in the books.

I always love Miami because of its flare and energy. It's a great time to get away from winter and feel the warmth of the sun again.

I love this race because it's a great way to get back at it after the off season and helps you figure out where you are in your training.

We had great conditions. It was overcast and cool. So overcast that the race started about 15-20 minutes late due to such little sunlight over the ocean. The day before it had been over 90 degrees so this cloudy cool day was very welcomed.

The ocean was calm. With just very subtle swells. Another welcomed event as the ocean usually gives us some good waves come race day.

There was some head wind on the bike. But overall it felt good to be on the open roads and not on a spin bike or trainer.

The run was good. Although I could tell I hadn't put in enough time into my training. My body was at its max and that was all I had for the morning.

This part of the race is where the mental games start. That feeling of where my body is and where I want it to be. I fight the negative thoughts that if I don't podium then the race is a fail. I fight negative thoughts that I'm letting down people to not podium. This has been hard for me lately as I have high expectations for myself but struggle to balance career, training and life. I question myself, and what I'm doing with triathlon and what I want to do with the sport.

These thoughts flow in and out of my mind in those last three miles of the race all to be washed away once seeing the finish line.

I know these thoughts will come again and I remind myself that I'm here because I love the sport. I love seeing how I can push my body, and how it will perform. Iworking on letting go of the negative performance thoughts as I'm here for me. And no matter how I perform it doesn't matter as long as I'm happy with it. People are not going to like me more or less because I didn't win a race.



extra thoughts......

That moment when your heart rate is the only thing you feel and you're searching for that piece of calm. Letting go of the anxiety and fear that may be lurking. That moment you find your focus right as the gun goes off. (the race has started and we are in the water)