Fitness Someday 1.29.20

Equipment needed

  • TRX Band

Workout Description

  • Supine abduction knee tuck: lying down on your back with your heels in the TRX straps. Lift your hips into the air and hold that position. Keep your spine long and core engaged. Extend your legs out and hold that for a moment. Then drive your knees into your chest, hold that for a moment and return to your starting position. Repeat.

  • Kneeling trunk twist: come into a kneeing position with your left leg forward. Keep a 90 degree angle in your left knee. Grab both TRX handles and extend your arms out in front of you. Lean forward a little bit, and twist to the right. Come back to your starting position and repeat the move for 30s. Repeat on the opposite side.

  • Standing trunk twist: standing with your left leg forward, and right foot behind you. Grab both TRX handles and rotate up towards the left shoulder. Slowly lower your hands back down and repeat for 30s. Repeat on the opposite side.

  • Forward lunge to overhead extension: start standing with a TRX band in each hand. Lunge forward with the left leg and extend both arms overhead. Come back to your starting position and repeat for 30s. Repeat on the opposite side.

* Remember to listen to your body. Quality over quantity ALWAYS. Start slow and with light weights, and build from there. If something doesn’t feel right, check your form, your pace, and weights. If a movement starts to hurt or creating a pinching, shooting pain stop the movement.

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