Fitness Someday 1.20.20

#fitnesssomeday because any day is a good day to workout.

Equipment needed

  • TRX Band

Workout Description

  • Go through the whole set 5 times

  • Each exercise is 20 reps.

    • Alternating side plank will be 10 reps on the right and left, total of 20.

    • Reverse lunge to knee drive hop is 20 reps on the right leg, and on the left leg.

    • Glide Out Flys 20 reps

- Alternating side plank: Start in a high plank with feet in the TRX foot loop. Then open up to the right, lifting your right arm towards the ceiling. Come back to a high plank, and open up to the left, lifting your left arm towards the ceiling. Come back to a high plank and continue to repeat for a total of 10 reps on each side.

-Reverse lunge to knee drive hop: Put your right foot into both TRX foot loops. Take a few steps away from the focal point of the strap. Find a nice tall posture, then shift your weight back bringing your left into into a 90 degree angle. Start to bring your weight forward again creating power to jump up as you drive your right knee up. Landing with control, repeat the motion 20 times on the right, and 20 times on the left. *If this is a new movement to you, don’t add the hop. You can just drive your knee up without hopping.

-Glide Out Fly: Come to a kneeling position while holding the rubber handle of the TRX. Extend your body out (don’t let your hips drop and low back arch), and hold that position. While holding that position, extend arms out. Bring them back together and go back to your starting position. Repeat 20 times. *If this is new, You do not have to glide out far, and do not have to extend arms out far. Start small, and build from there.

* Remember to listen to your body. Quality over quantity ALWAYS. Start slow and with light weights, and build from there. If something doesn’t feel right, check your form, your pace, and weights. If a movement starts to hurt or creating a pinching, shooting pain stop the movement.


