Winter Equals Cold Season?

This weeks fit tip: Cold season & how to stay healthy in a natural way

The weather is getting colder, kids are back in school, we're working more, and indoors more. This time of the year starts the cold and flu season. So how do we keep ourselves as healthy as possible, as getting sick can really set us back in so many ways.

1- Getting enough rest. At least 7-8 hours a night for adults, 9 hours for teens, and about 10-12 for kids. This is when our body heals and restores itself. You body is most efficient in healing itself during sleep.

2- Eating healthy. Eat more fresh fruits and veggies. Dark green, red, and yellow vegetables and fruits. Avoid processed foods and foods that cause inflammation. *Sugars, polyunsaturated oils (vegetable oils: grape seed, cottonseed, safflower, corn and sunflower oils), trans fat, dairy products, red meat, alcohol, refined grains, artificial food additives (aspartame and monosodium glutamate (MSG)).

3- Wash your hands! And with that if you cough or sneeze don't use your hands to cover your mouth. Go for the elbow. Don't touch your face.

4- Aerobic exercise often! With aerobic exercise, and any type of exercise, you are increasing your heart rate, and breathing rate which gets more oxygen from the lungs to your blood and increases your body's natural virus killing cells. There's also theory that a good sweat is detoxifying. *Note that excessive exercise will actually weaken the immune system. This is more prevalent in endurance athletes.

5- Brew some tea! Hot fluids will help relieve nasal congestion, and soothe inflamed membranes that line the throat and nose. My favorites are *Cold care, Throat ease, Breath Easy, and Echinacea/Immune Support.

6- Vitamin C!! I love Emergen-C with immune support. This time of the year I drink one packet a day to help support my immune system. Recommend amount a day is 500 milligrams, in addition to eating five servings of fruits & vegetables. Here's what a dose looks like on your plate or in your cup.
Cantaloupe, 1 cup (8 ounces): 59mg
Orange juice, 1 cup: 97mg
Broccoli, cooked, 1 cup: 74mg
Red cabbage, 1/2 cup: 40mg
Green pepper, 1/2 cup, 60mg
Red pepper, 1/2 cup, 95mg
Kiwi, 1 medium: 70mg
Tomato juice, 1 cup: 45mg.
7- RELAX!!! Find time to de-stress. Try a yoga class, meditation, spa day. DO something you enjoy. Let your feelings out. Write. Focus on the present. Whatever it is for you, just RELAX! When we are stressed the body releases a few hormones, one is cortisol. If you're constantly stressed and don't get enough rest, this hormone has been linked to higher rates of health problems such as: heart disease, obesity, digestive problems, depression, worsening of skin conditions.

8- Take a sauna or hot steamy shower. Steamy showers moisturize your nasal passages and relax you. The theory behind a hot sauna is that it will detoxify your body.


Have a beautiful week!
