Fitness Someday 2.3.20

Equipment needed

  • Theraband (medium-heavier), DB (dumbbell) 8+ lb (pound), and an elevated platform (chair, couch, plyo box 12-20 inches high)

Workout Description:

  • push-up to downward facing dog: Start in a high plank. Lower down for a push-up. Push back up into a high plank, and lift your hips for a downward facing dog. MOve back into a high plank and repeat. If you need another option, you can do a push-up on your knees vs your toes. Continue this movement for 30 seconds. *Keep your core engaged as you lower through your push-up, and as you press back up into the plank.

  • Deadbug with single arm hold: Lay down on your back. Put a theraband around the middle of both of your feet and bring a DB (dumbbell) into your right hand. Hold the DB over your chest and bend your knees bringing your legs into a 90 degree. Extend your right foot out, and come back to your starting position. Then extend your left foot out, and come back to your starting position. Continue to repeat this movement for 30 seconds. Take a 15 second break, move the DB into your left hand and repeat for 30 seconds.

  • Walking bridge:Lay down on your back with a theraband around your thighs above your knees. Bring your heels onto a stable, elevated platform. Ideally anywhere from 10-20 inches off of the ground. Bring your legs into a 90 degree angle, and arms by your side. (You can bring your warms into the air for more of a challenge). Lift your hips into the air and hold them there. Bring your right knee into your chest, then your left. Continue to repeat for 30 seconds.

Outfit by lululemon

Top: Cates Tee

Tights: Wunder Under High-Rise Tight 25" Full-On Luxtreme

Pics by WolfSkull Creative

*Remember to listen to your body. Quality over quantity ALWAYS. Start slow and with light weights, and build from there. If something doesn’t feel right, check your form, your pace, and weights. If a movement starts to hurt or creating a pinching, shooting pain stop the movement.

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Jessica RossingComment